
Prins Claus Fonds

We support, connect and celebrate artists and cultural practitioners where cultural expression is under pressure.

Dit willen we oplossen

The world is in search of new systems and needs positive inspiration and transformative ideas. We see an important role for culture to create new perspectives that stimulate sustainable development and change, tapping into the transformative ideas of young cultural practitioners.

Dit is waar we trots op zijn

Our huge international network of visionaries and change makers who through culture re imagine and transform their realities. Through these exceptional people we contribute to a more a desirable future that is equitable, inclusive, peaceful and environmentally sustainable.



Actief gebied

147 gebieden



Erkend sinds

01 januari 2004


Kunst en cultuur


9 doelgroepen


Dit willen we bereiken

Cijfers van

Vergelijken met

Onze uitgaven (2023)

€ 5.177.122

Our vision is of a world where cultural expression is free and valued, leading to a future that is more equitable, inclusive, peaceful and environmentally sustainable.

Zo bereiken we ons doel

Doelbesteding (2023)

€ 4.683.914

  1. We award and support young and emerging talent to enable them to develop themselves. We Amplify, Accelerate and Recognise change makers.
  2. Our Seed, Mentorship and Impact Awards and programmes fulfill the needs of cultural practitioners in all stages of their cultural career.
  3. We offer trust-based funding, recognition and connections for engaged cultural practitioners and artists in Africa, Asia, Latin America.
  4. We develop mentorship programmes, facilitate meaningful connections, peer exchange, joint learning and link people to relevant audiences.

Zo komen wij aan ons geld

Onze inkomsten (2023)

€ 4.986.880

Overheid, loterij, stichtingen, particulieren, bedrijven

De informatie in dit paspoort is getoetst door het CBF. Alle cijfers komen uit het jaarverslag 2023.

Wil je weten wat de Erkenning betekent?

Wat is de CBF-Erkenning?